BA243C21 Schoko-Kuchen 3 x 2.050g / 21 Portionen mit Schokoladen-Rührteig, überzogen mit Milchschokolade-Kuvertüre, dekoriert mit weißer Fettglasu

B641C21 Poppy-Quark Crumble Cake 3 x 3.400g / 21 portions with shortcrust pastry and poppy-quark filling, decorated with crumble
4. September 2016
BA243C21 Chocolate Cake 3 x 2.050g / 21 portions with chocolate sponge, covered with milk chocolate coating, decorated with white icing
4. September 2016
BA243C21 Chocolate Cake 3 x 2.050g / 21 portions with chocolate sponge, covered with milk chocolate coating, decorated with white icing
4. September 2016
B641C21 Poppy-Quark Crumble Cake 3 x 3.400g / 21 portions with shortcrust pastry and poppy-quark filling, decorated with crumble
4. September 2016